The Roberto Cavalli Group, which is controlled by VISION INVESTMENT CO LLC, is one of the most important Italian companies operating in the luxury fashion, accessories and lifestyle sectors. Founded in the Seventies, when fashion designer and entrepreneur Roberto Cavalli launched the namesake brand, the Group currently operates a wide portfolio of internationally established labels positioned in the different segments of the high-end offering. Find out more:
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non - refrillable dispenser collection

Shampoo 300ml

Hair conditioner 300ml

Shower Gel 300ml

Body wash 300ml

stand - alone dispenser collection

Hand Wash 236ml

Shower Gel 236ml

Conditioner 236ml

Shower Gel 236ml


Shampoo 30/50/100ml

Conditioner 30/50/100ml

Shower Gel 30/50/100ml

Body Milk 30/50/100ml


Soap 25/45gram

Soap 25/45gram